Save Time
Make $$$
Live Life

Get off the hamster wheel & get your Business Ops together in just one day

Does this sound familiar?

  • You feel overwhelmed and burnt out in your business, even if you love it

  • You are missing deadlines left and right

  • You haven’t had a vacation since you can’t remember when

  • You spend more time looking for things than you do making $$$

  • Your team doesn’t know what
    their priorities are

  • Your ADHD brain (or what feels like ADHD)
    can’t keep up with ALL. THE. THINGS.

  • Wasting time is driving you crazy and
    you need to start getting productive NOW

But… you need systems that work with YOUR business
(not someone else’s).

I can help get your sh*t together, is it time?

Can you imagine this?

Getting more done in 3 days than you used to get done in 5…

A team that no longer needs to ask you questions every 10 minutes…

No longer wasting hours figuring out what to do every morning…

Sitting down at your desk in the morning, sipping on your hot beverage and feeling excited about the day ahead with clarity and purpose.

Planning a vacation or taking entire weekends off without a phone or computer because you know your business can take care of itself…

How would that feel?

Hi, I'm Ana Natkins a Verified ClickUp and Airtable expert and Certified Director of Operations

As a productivity super-nerd, I offer ClickUp and Airtable VIP in a day for business owners like you when you are ready to feel in control of your business

I have helped clients over the past 3 years systemize, automate and make their business “EASY” with ClickUp and Airtable. They are now able to enjoy their business and make a difference in the lives of their clients without dealing with the stress and chaos of day-to-day operations.

 I especially enjoy working with clients who either suspect or have been diagnosed with ADHD. As a mother, entrepreneur and woman in today’s world with ADHD children of my own, I thrive on harnessing this superpower for my clients.

Hi, I'm Ana Natkins, a Verified

ClickUp and Airtable expert

As a productivity super-nerd, I offer ClickUp and Airtable VIP days for business owners like you are ready to feel in control of your life

I have helped clients over the past 3 years systemize, automate and make their business “easy” with ClickUp and Airtable. They are now able to enjoy their business and make a difference in the lives of their clients without dealing with the stress and chaos of day-to-day operations.

 I especially enjoy working with clients who either suspect or have been diagnosed with ADHD. As a mother, entrepreneur and woman in today’s world with ADHD children of my own, I thrive on harnessing this superpower for my clients.

5-Step Framework for my VIP Day

I have developed this VIP Day to clarify and streamline how you run your business using the two BEST tools the small business industry has to offer.

Stage 1 - Assemble

Start your day by spending 2 hours with a Verified ClickUp and Airtable expert, (ME!) to define your repeating operations tasks, identify important data points and refine your most important money-making processes and workflow.

This is where we look at what you are doing, how you are doing it, and how we can make it better.

Stage 2 - Analyze

After Stage 1, you go off to enjoy your morning while my team and I sit down to decide the best way to set up your personalized “Info Management System”. 

We analyze your specific needs, and flesh out the setup in ClickUp and Airtable so everything is easily run within your kick-ass system without a tech degree.

We speak the tech, so you don’t have to.

Stage 3 - Activate

It’s time to put the pedal to the metal by taking our results from Stage 1 & 2, and integrating it with your personalized ClickUp and Airtable System. 

We take your business systems and create your setup in ClickUp and Airtable and make it the lean mean productivity machine you need. 

Once we start “activating” the setup, you will receive Slack updates from our team (if you want them) on the progress.

Stage 4 - Automate

Now that the legwork is done, (that was fun… for us!) this is where the automation magic will happen. Using internal Airtable and ClickUp functionalities we will create automations wherever possible for a seamless, “lean mean operations machine”.

Automations are where we delegate simple tasks to your tech instead of having to do or track them manually. It truly feels magic.

Stage 5 - Action

All the pieces are now put together… but how do you USE it? Exactly 24 hours after we initially met, it’s time for my team to hand off the setup, workflow and all the deliverables, including personalized guidance and ClickUp embedded training videos. Yes, that’s right, you will have a complete ClickUp and Airtable training system INSIDE your ClickUp Account.

This is where you learn how to get more done in 3 days instead of 5, communicate effectively with your team and decrease that anxiety and stress.

This also kicks off 30 days of support (Slack) to make sure you have any last questions answered.

I believe the analysis portion (stage 1) - of Ana's VIP day is something that a lot of people have thought of or tried to do, but it's just not their expertise, they don't have the mind for it. This is a huge value add for the VIP day because it is in Ana's zone of genius.
Oliver Wolf
CEO - Beyond the Peak

Who is this for?

Who is this not for?

Our ClickUp and Airtable in a Day helps scaling business owners be more organized, productive, confident and relaxed with the proven framework of 2 of the top tools that work TOGETHER. 

Sounds good…. But what is it REALLY like to work with you?
I would love to tell you. Check out what my clients have to say!

Making my ADD brain work for business is both a blessing and a curse. Even though I'm very well attuned to knowing what my project management and data should look like, as a CEO of a busy scaling program for Marketing agencies, I don't have the time to actually implement it. With Ana's Simple Solutions VIP day I was able to get everything that I needed to get done efficiently and effectively. We were able to truly operate at the level we needed as a growing business. I was able to have visibility on all my tasks and high-level views of what everyone was doing. You know that the team was getting the job done and meeting deadlines. I knew where I needed to go in the system to go and review everything so I could not be the bottleneck anymore. Ana has not only met me where I'm at but she's also expanded the operations and helped me scale. She has allowed my brain to flow by making all of our communication, and tech work flow and ensuring the sustainability of our business as a whole. I am the kind of person that needs everything organized and lined up or my brain can't flow and get the things done I need done.
Juliana Marulanda
CEO - Scaletime

It’s time to say goodbye to being stressed out and overwhelmed.
Running a business doesn’t have to be an anxiety roller coaster.